ISSN: 2782-2303 (print); 2782-229X (online)
Publication frequency
: quarterly. Founded in 2021
Editor-in-Chief: Sergey V. Ryazantsev, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Evgeniya M. Moiseeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Publisher: IDR FCTAS RAS
Double-Blind Peer Review
Open Access
Included in the list of Higher Attestation Commission (VAK), Category K2

«DEMIS. Demographic Research / DEMIS. Demograficheskie Issledovaniya». On July 1, 2020, at the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS) the Institute for Demographic Research (IDR) was established. The Institute is launching the publication of a new peer-reviewed scientific journal focused on current demographic and migration processes, primarily in the former Soviet Union and other regions of the world.

The complexity and dynamics of demographic and migration processes, the improvement of their research methods, the transformation of demographic and migration policy, the development of conceptual theories of demographic and migration behavior require constant study and informing the scientific community, governments and the general public. In addition, new challenges, such as global climate change, economic crises, and the COVID-19 pandemic, actualize the importance of studying the demographic and migration behavior of the population, the factors that determine them, and the consequences for the economy, politics, and the social sphere.

The mission of the journal is to develop fundamental theories, improve methods for studying demographic and migration processes, promote the results of heuristic empirical research in different regions of the world, provide scientific justification and expert support for demographic and migration policy.

The journal pursuits theoretical and applied research on the processes of population reproduction, fertility and reproductive behavior, mortality and self-preserving behavior of the population, migration behavior and migration trends at the global and regional levels, features of urbanization and transformation of the network of settlements, conceptual approaches, forms of implementation and international mechanisms for the implementation of demographic and migration policy in various regions and countries of the world.

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